Dr. Steve Andrews
Senior Pastor
EDUCATION: Steve attended the University of Georgia where he played baseball and graduated with a Bachelors of Business of Administration (BBA). He earned a Master of Divinity (M.Div.) from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary and his Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) from Luther Rice Seminary.
MINISTRY CAREER: Steve began his vocational ministry serving as a youth pastor for churches in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and Mississippi. He served four years as a Minister of Education/Youth at First Baptist Coldwater, MS. Upon completing his doctoral studies, Steve accepted his first pastorate at New Bethany Baptist in Buford, GA and later served as pastor of Carlisle Avenue Baptist in Louisville, KY. For eleven and one-half years, Steve served as the Senior Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Rome, GA. He strongly supports missions and outreach having participated in prison ministry, Native-American outreach, inner-city projects, high school chaplain, and international mission trips.
He has authored three books: Surge Beyond Setbacks, Iron 2 Iron, and Mountain Moving Faith. Steve has published articles for several LifeWay publications including regular contributions to Proclaim and Pastor’s Extra, an online resource for pastors. He faithfully supports the ministry of the Southern Baptist Convention, state conventions, and local associations.
PHILOSOPHY OF MINISTRY: The Lord Jesus extended a call for individuals to follow Him. More than being identified as a Baptist preacher, I desire to be known as a follower of Christ called to preach the gospel. I believe the Bible to be the holy inspired Word of God, which is profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness so that the saints of God may be equipped for ministry and sinners won to Christ. I faithfully support the doctrines of faith expressed in the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message.
Making the complex simple was a key characteristic of the Lord Jesus’ ministry. When asked about the greatest commandment, Jesus said all the teaching of the prophets could be summed up in two simple commands, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength…and love your neighbor as yourself.†These commands can be carried out in the context of a local church using a simple strategy defined by three main categories of ministry Connect, Grow, and Reach.
A local church has the responsibility to Connect people to God through worship. Because God inhabits the praise of His people, the Sunday morning gathering should be a significant experience for mature believers and those new in faith to encounter the presence of the one true living God. Through inspiring music and informative preaching, a local church plays a vital role in preparing hearts to receive God’s blessing. Worship gatherings should be reverent to Christ, respectful of church culture, and relevant to the community. Understanding the Lord Jesus is recognized by Christians and non-Christians as one of the most creative communicators of all time, God-honoring worship should strive to communicate the Word and experience the majesty of God with conviction, clarity, and creativity.
A second primary task of the local church is to Grow believers in the Word. The Lord Jesus exhorted His followers to abide in His word and allow His word to abide in us, which enables us to produce much fruit for the Father’s glory (Jn. 15:7-8). Through Bible study classes, a local church provides an opportunity and environment for all ages to experience spiritual growth through increasing biblical knowledge and developing quality relationships.
Finally and most importantly, the church is called to Reach the world through ministry and missions. Churches have a responsibility to utilize their gifts and resources to extend Christ’s love to the community through local ministry and to participate in global missions. As a member of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), a local church cooperates with other churches as part of the world’s largest mission sending agency supporting over 5,500 missionaries in over 100 countries. The SBC is the third largest relief organization in the world responding to crisis such as Katrina relief along the gulf coast and earthquake relief in Haiti. When Connect, Grow, and Reach are carried out with excellence for God’s glory, the results can be extraordinary.â€
FAMILY: Steve married Karen Thomas of Merritt Island, FL in July 1986. Karen strongly supports the ministry of her husband and the local church. She has served as praise team vocalist and keyboard player, choir member, VBS director, Sunday School teacher, and women’s ministry leader. Steve and Karen have four children.
MINISTRY CAREER: Steve began his vocational ministry serving as a youth pastor for churches in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and Mississippi. He served four years as a Minister of Education/Youth at First Baptist Coldwater, MS. Upon completing his doctoral studies, Steve accepted his first pastorate at New Bethany Baptist in Buford, GA and later served as pastor of Carlisle Avenue Baptist in Louisville, KY. For eleven and one-half years, Steve served as the Senior Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Rome, GA. He strongly supports missions and outreach having participated in prison ministry, Native-American outreach, inner-city projects, high school chaplain, and international mission trips.
He has authored three books: Surge Beyond Setbacks, Iron 2 Iron, and Mountain Moving Faith. Steve has published articles for several LifeWay publications including regular contributions to Proclaim and Pastor’s Extra, an online resource for pastors. He faithfully supports the ministry of the Southern Baptist Convention, state conventions, and local associations.
PHILOSOPHY OF MINISTRY: The Lord Jesus extended a call for individuals to follow Him. More than being identified as a Baptist preacher, I desire to be known as a follower of Christ called to preach the gospel. I believe the Bible to be the holy inspired Word of God, which is profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness so that the saints of God may be equipped for ministry and sinners won to Christ. I faithfully support the doctrines of faith expressed in the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message.
Making the complex simple was a key characteristic of the Lord Jesus’ ministry. When asked about the greatest commandment, Jesus said all the teaching of the prophets could be summed up in two simple commands, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength…and love your neighbor as yourself.†These commands can be carried out in the context of a local church using a simple strategy defined by three main categories of ministry Connect, Grow, and Reach.
A local church has the responsibility to Connect people to God through worship. Because God inhabits the praise of His people, the Sunday morning gathering should be a significant experience for mature believers and those new in faith to encounter the presence of the one true living God. Through inspiring music and informative preaching, a local church plays a vital role in preparing hearts to receive God’s blessing. Worship gatherings should be reverent to Christ, respectful of church culture, and relevant to the community. Understanding the Lord Jesus is recognized by Christians and non-Christians as one of the most creative communicators of all time, God-honoring worship should strive to communicate the Word and experience the majesty of God with conviction, clarity, and creativity.
A second primary task of the local church is to Grow believers in the Word. The Lord Jesus exhorted His followers to abide in His word and allow His word to abide in us, which enables us to produce much fruit for the Father’s glory (Jn. 15:7-8). Through Bible study classes, a local church provides an opportunity and environment for all ages to experience spiritual growth through increasing biblical knowledge and developing quality relationships.
Finally and most importantly, the church is called to Reach the world through ministry and missions. Churches have a responsibility to utilize their gifts and resources to extend Christ’s love to the community through local ministry and to participate in global missions. As a member of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), a local church cooperates with other churches as part of the world’s largest mission sending agency supporting over 5,500 missionaries in over 100 countries. The SBC is the third largest relief organization in the world responding to crisis such as Katrina relief along the gulf coast and earthquake relief in Haiti. When Connect, Grow, and Reach are carried out with excellence for God’s glory, the results can be extraordinary.â€
FAMILY: Steve married Karen Thomas of Merritt Island, FL in July 1986. Karen strongly supports the ministry of her husband and the local church. She has served as praise team vocalist and keyboard player, choir member, VBS director, Sunday School teacher, and women’s ministry leader. Steve and Karen have four children.