Tuesday, March 12 | Ladies' Movie Night Barrio Fiesta (5:00) and Cabrini @ Alabaster AmStar (6:20)
Sunday, April 7 | Spring Soiree - FLC (5-7pm)
Tuesday, April 9 | Ladies' Movie Night - Jim & Nicks (5:00) and Someone Like You @ Alabaster AmStar (TBA)
Sunday, May 5 | Tacos & Trivia - FLC (5-7pm)
Christmas in July | Operation Christmas Child Collection
Sunday, September 8 | Tailgate Fellowship - FLC (5-7pm)
Sunday, September 15 & Wednesday, Sept 18th | Fall Bible Study Kickoff

Ladies' Movie Night
Tuesday - March 12th
It's time for movie night! We will have dinner at Barrio Fiesta together at 5:00 PM and then on to the movie at the Alabaster AmStar 6:20 PM. If you can not make it for dinner, join us for the movie!
So that we can all sit together, prepurchase your movie ticket online and select a seat in row E or F.
We look forward to seeing you for this fun night of food, flicks, and fellowship.
It's time for movie night! We will have dinner at Barrio Fiesta together at 5:00 PM and then on to the movie at the Alabaster AmStar 6:20 PM. If you can not make it for dinner, join us for the movie!
So that we can all sit together, prepurchase your movie ticket online and select a seat in row E or F.
We look forward to seeing you for this fun night of food, flicks, and fellowship.
Thank you for joining us for Tacos and Trivia!
Sunday, May 7th the Women's Ministry gathered for a fun night of Tacos & Trivia. A delicious taco buffet was prepared by Debbie Wilson for us to enjoy. Her Churro dessert was a big hit with everyone! Then Karen Andrews lead us all in a spirited night of trivia competition. We tested our knowledge on Alabama Cities, Gather Songs, Birds, and 5 letter Wordle. In the end the victorious team scored 82 points followed closely by two teams with 80 points. The winners were treated to their choice of lovely hand soaps and of course have the privilege of bragging rights
.... at least Until Next Year!

Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
-Proverbs 31:30-
-Proverbs 31:30-
Our Purpose
Connect women to God and other women through worship and fellowship, grow women through discipleship,
and reach unchurched women through ministry events and mission opportunities.
and reach unchurched women through ministry events and mission opportunities.
Ministry Opportunities
Women's Sunday School Classes are offered every Sunday morning.
Precept classes of the Old & New Testament are offered weekdays throughout the year.
Other Bible studies are offered several times throughout the year.
Please check the weekly e-newsletter for scheduled current Bible studies.
This group meets most weeks on Thursday 9am-3pm in the Nall House. The Joyful Stitchers are a diverse group that uses sewing, quilting, knitting, crochet, and crafting skills to witness and minister to persons with special needs. Many of the items we give to others will be packaged with a card containing the plan of salvation and information about our church. We offer classes several times yearly to persons in the community.
For information contact Carolyn Cochran at 205-601-9126 or cmc.91952@bellsouth.net.
This group meets most weeks on Thursday 9am-3pm in the Nall House. The Joyful Stitchers are a diverse group that uses sewing, quilting, knitting, crochet, and crafting skills to witness and minister to persons with special needs. Many of the items we give to others will be packaged with a card containing the plan of salvation and information about our church. We offer classes several times yearly to persons in the community.
For information contact Carolyn Cochran at 205-601-9126 or cmc.91952@bellsouth.net.